My mother has just phoned me to ask me to donate $1,000 to a charity that will aid children. She, like many of us, is appalled at how many orphans there are now. I was just about to send the money off to the Red Cross or World Vision and then paused.
Is there a better way than giving so coldly to an organization?
Help me folks with this germ of an idea.
We know that dating services online have been very effective. Not only do they link up well but the results, in terms of relationships, tend to be good too. So here is the idea - we set up (Maybe with Dina Mehta as point person for an Indian network, someone for Thailand, someone for Sumatra and so on etc ) an Aid/Dating Service where those who want to give - give directly to a village and to a community. The point is to initiate a real and long term relationship using technology that was developed for dating but which has a proven track record for making good links.
I would prefer to find one village, get to know who is there - give money and anything else that I can. Surely I can give more than just money? Visit on vacation - take a long term interest in the families and the children. If I only give money the action is instituionalized and is power based. If I can develop a legitimate and a direct relationship - who knows what will happen?
What do you think?