I have been having this growing dream about where this idea could go.
I imagine Commons' opening in a few more cities in Canada, and in the UK, the US - India Dina?
I see members from PEI using the Vancouver Commons. They have not only a place where they feel comfortable but an in built local network. I see members from London arriving in Mumbai. No longer strangers, they have friends and a base.
Imagine what this portability could do to reduce costs and risks for members who travel? Imagine what 100,000 members could do with collective buying power. One of the barriers to Free Agency in the US today are the cost of health benefits for Free Agents. With this scale of membership what could be done in this area?
Imagine the power of this network on politics? Now those who don't normally join are part of a network of people who share similar values. What will this do for the Green Movement? What will all these linked bloggers do to the sound bite style of politics?