Chester Gillan, PEI's Minister for Health and Social Services announced yesterday that the Province will sign a long term contract with Best Start for 1 million a year - in effect restoring funding back to a level where Best Start can contemplate restoring coverage for 3 years.
I would like to thank the Minister and all those who have worked so hard to make this happen. In particular, I would like to thank the Premier who, throughout all the provinces budgetary challenges, has done his best to keep the faith.
PEI is the site now of a revolution that I think will unfold in education and health. For the last 100 years, the key assumption was that education was an external process applied by schools to children from the age of 6 and above. For as long, health care was assumed to be an external process applied by doctors to people.
Now on PEI we are establishing a new set of assumptions. That the experience that a child has inside the family is a very important determinant of their ability to learn and be healthy. That learning and health trajectories are set by an internal process influenced by what happens as a consequence of the experince a child has in interacting with their parents.
This then starts to shift the investment away from remediation to prevention and to opportunity. That the best time to invest in the future of our children is from conception to 6. There is hope that on PEI we will now be able to design and implement a support system that will start with conception and parenting and go the whole way via daycare, kindergarten, school and college and university.
This is the best news that I have had since the birth of my own children
This is an exciting time. PEI's response to a bad grade on our educational outcomes a few years back has been an authentic response and a willingness to do more than apply band aids
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