Why will those that use Trusted Space ultimately crush organizations that rely on the traditional model? Why should you be worried if you run a traditional organization? Why should you be hopeful if you run a Trusted Space instead?
I had an aha on the lawn mower today. The issue is complexity. It appears that the Internet has shifted the rate of the increase in human social complexity exponentially by collapsing time and space as barriers to connection. But traditional organizations are designed around a machine metaphor that can only cope with "Knowns". They cannot cope with the scale of complexity that we all face today as the Internet is changing all the rules and all the givens in all fields.
Our traditional organizations simply cannot cope with what the Internet has done. So why will organizations based on Trusted Space work instead?
The world of Mates and Fellowship is the product of Trusted Space and Mates and Fellows can and will run rings around the conventional. Why?
Machine organizations offer only a minute fraction of potential. Traditional organizations are like early steam engines - mainly noise heat and friction. Mates on the other hand are like small nuclear reactors. They release the atomic energy that resides inside all humans
OK enough metaphors - why is this so? Because as the conventional organization scales up beyond 150 and ignores the smaller units of natural human design of 8, 15 and 40, friction increases exponentially leading to the point of diminishing returns. Organizations that violate the rule of 150 have to use authoritarian management or rules. Trust is squeezed out by authoritarian culture.
So by cultural definition created by organizational design - any organization that works through rules versus trust becomes increasingly incompetent when faced with complexity. That makes all large organizations today vulnerable.
Trusted Spaces create conditions where each person can be who they really are - therefore the whole person and all their energy is available. Even better this energy reacts with the energy of others as in a nuclear reaction and provides the energetic equivalent of a reaction. TNT versus a hydrogen bomb!
If I am right - then my bet is that we will find as we study Trusted Spaces more - that we will also find that they abide by the laws of Magic Numbers.
Traditional organizations, except for the military (see follow on from Dunbar), pay no attention at all to Magic Numbers. Hence they have to use a bureaucratic model that cannot tolerate any deviance from the set norm - hence they cannot cope with complexity.
Is this why so many in bureaucracies today are so busy - all motion and no movement! What does this insight mean then for HR and for business schools who enforce the dogma? What does this mean for the entire idea of "efficiency". Efficiency may have a role but for instance neither GM or Ford have found it much help. Nor does the US Military in Iraq.
Aha you say a hole in Rob's argument - the military is the only organization that uses Magic Numbers - yes but the "Military is run not by itself using the chain of command but by a huge top down bureaucracy that takes all power away from the unit commanders. And who is fighting the IDF and the US Army? Organizations that abide by the rules of Mates and Fellowship! How big are their units? I bet we will find they abide by the rules of Magic Numbers.
Ross Mayfield has really thought about structure and relatedness and creativity. Here is one of his views on this.
It's not just me that is looking to a better understanding of magic numbers and their connection to creativity and their ability to cope with complexity
My bet is that in years to come we will see clearly that we when breach Magic Numbers the cost in friction rises quickly to reduce productivity to near zero and the capability to cope with complexity to a minus.