I tried the neat tool to look at my Facbook Network and this is what emerged.
Will is the main connector in my world - he also started all the key links for PEI bloggers a few years back by asking us all out to lunch. My bet is that this is who Will really is - a connector.
As I look at the map - a few things pop out. I have a number of worlds that I inhabit on Facebook
- My Family - Diana and Astrid
- Public Radio and TV
- Linked into Europe - Euan Johnnie Ton etc
- Small bit of the rest of Atlantic
- Small Ottawa group
Looks like this:
As the Facebook world takes off my bet is that most of our "worlds" will look like this.
I winder if Facebook will not soon become a big help in emergenmt and natural organizations.
But if you work in a conventional organization they will pretend that your organization looks like this.
I know the one I prefer to work in.