People in TV and in Radio have been struggling to find out what a more appropriate model than simply the one to many broadcast model will be. Many have seen the challenge as a choice between the old and the new.
At KETC we are trying to see how the old and the new can converge and support each other.
Here is the essence of our expedition that we are trying to support "The War" - Ken Burns new film. Somewhere here is the way. As it becomes more clear, we will do better. As it becomes more clear, we will apply it to how politics work and then to all aspects of life in St Louis.
Our intent is to create a self supporting system where what we do on air is helped by what we don the web and in the community. Here is what we are planning on air
Here is what we are planning on the web:Here is what we are doing in the community
I will keep you updated as we put the meat on the skeleton