Who would ever have thought that a Lt Col in the Marine Corps would make electrifying watching on the News Hour?
Well if you really know your stuff and you really have something to say then it might happen and it did.
Here is Lt Col John Nagl talking to Jon Stewart about the cultural revolution that will have to happen to the US Armed Forces if they are to make a positive difference in conflict. Thanks John Robb who writes brilliantly about what is going on for the link and Small Wars Journal for their continuing broad coverage of what is important in Military Affairs today.
Also shows that the US Military is starting to "get it" in terms of how to communicate well today. Have something real to say about about something real and have a spokesperson who can be human do the talking.
Just being able to apply overwhelming force is no longer good enough - on its own - you lose wars that way now. So how do you then go beyond this?
Here is Tom Barnett at TED giving the context for a way of organizing so that you can win the war and the peace. A tour de force - a master class of distilled wisdom.