Over the last 3 years I have been struggling as I work with small organizations that have few resources such as Public Radio/TV, NGO's, ultra small businesses to see how they could become powerful. How could they get all the resources they need knowing that they do not have access to lots of money? How could they expand without lots of money. How could they have influence without lots of money?
How could they do all of this and still have a life and have fun? What a concept!
We knew that some kind of "Wirearchy" would be the answer - some aspect of using networks well. We knew that social media might be the agent for change. But what was it/ How could it be described so that anyone who wanted to could act?
By trial and error - by really examining what was working and not - we have been able to come up with what I think is a theory that is very easy to understand. It is easy because, like Galileo's work - it is based on observation. We discovered it by looking at real things - so you can too.
We have been able to act upon it and to articulate it. I would like to share our findings with you here.
1. The Problem of the Current Orthodoxy - The Wizard behind the curtain. Why our current way of organizing is a feudal/medieval approach that cannot cope by design with complexity. Why "They" won't be able to see it.
2. Why culture is the new competitive barrier - Why most, like the medieval church just cannot get it and why therefore those that do will run rings around them - their own mindset prevents them from changing. Why you can use their blockage to your benefit
3. What is the new model? Our Ptolemaic Revolution - Its all about Energy vs Kinetic or Mechanical Power. Why is actually a "Solar System" - How you use energy to attract resources and social media to hold the system together - shifting from a mechanical or kinetic view of power to energy as an attractor - why the 1% rule works - why Wikpedia is like a solar system. How this works in practice
4. Deepening the understanding of the power of the Donut to attract resources - Why the key to the kingdom is the interaction of the centre to the inner ring - why most of the work goes away - why work can become fun again. How the Tipping Point fits into this idea - why the 1% rule works in more detail
5. 2 illustrations of the difference - choreography versus community - simple videos showing performance versus participation
6. Where value is in a world of infinite content - Why all value is based on what is truly scarce - In a world where things are abundant what is scarce is "Meaning" - The underlying shift in value from things to meaning - What this means in practice - why Google is so successful and most media companies not - where do we find meaning and hence value
7. How this applies to Food - The Core process of all civilizations - how we can eat better, more safely and restore the environment - how farmers can make a living again - how we give meaning back to food
8. How when this model plays out we can all go home again - the end of thee work life balance issue - how we give meaning to a whole life and end the division between work and everything else