This week in Denver will be a new test for Twitter - will Twitter stand up to the pressure of all the Twitterers in Denver?
Many public radio and TV stations are attending - even the NewsHour is intending to use Twitter as an adjunct to their traditional coverage. Here is a small fraction of who will be there with Twitter
Laura Hertzfeld, Vote 2008 producer:
PBS Vote 2008:
Tavis Smiley:
Let's assume that Twitter holds up - how will we make sense of all the noise?
Here is my post on my hope - TweetDeck
If Twitter gets more stable? If Twitter is proved to offer more context for events? If Media widely adopt Twitter, as many businesses are now? If more people use Twitter?
Then the key issue will become NOISE!!!!
So back to the core issue I think for the web. If content is infinite - what will be scarce is not content but "Meaning". Only aggregation, and parsing can re-offer meaning.
ImaginehowharditwouldbetounderstandwhatIamwriting: if I did not break the words up and use punctuation and paragraphs?
1,000 plus feeds into your Twitter stream with no parsing would be just noise that only the Scobles of the world could make sense of.
TweetDeck is helping Parse my Twitter world into groups. I can also use the search function to explore issues, news, people and events.
TweetDeck is a meaning maker - this is surely where the value of all social media will lie?
It enables me to set up the parsing process to make meaning on my terms