Why do we see such clear evidence that the very people whose interests are being screwed by government are keen to vote for the people who are determined to screw them even more?
I think that we are at a time when the "people" want King Stork and not King Log
40 years ago - you could be sure that the working class would vote Democrat in the US and Liberal in Canada. This was why both parties had a bias to being the normal government with Republican or Conservative being the Protest option.
But now, the core support is shifting to the "Right" who advocate the market as mediator and a strong conventional military.
After a lot of walks with the dogs - here is what is bubbling up as an answer to this seeming paradox.
As manufacturing jobs are exported as a result of using the market as a mediator; as working class men and women serve alone in action, while the children of the elite party on at home; as the schools and healthcare crumble; as the roads and infrastructure crumble; as food becomes more expensive and less safe; as family support is withdrawn; as their energy costs accelerate; as their pensions vaporize; as they lose their homes and jobs - people get more afraid.
As their countries become weak - unable to stand up to a reinvigorated Russia. Unable to make progress in Afghanistan. Unable to gain support on the global scene - it starts to feel like Germany in 1931.
Many people now want big Daddy or now Big Mommy to make it all go away and to get better.
They don't want to be told that together we will fix this - they want a parent to make it all go away. They don't want to do anything - they want Dad and Mom to do it.
They don't want "Nuance" they don't want Green - They want their pride back. They want to feel safe.
I think this is what put Putin in power. When the working class lose hope - they tend to seek out a parental figure.
They want the trains to run on time. This is a scary time indeed.