P.E.I.'s egg commodity marketing board has backed away from a request to have the province regulate smaller flocks.
In January the Egg Producers of P.E.I., which represents the Island's larger egg producers, asked the province to reduce the maximum size of unregulated flocks from 299 birds to 49. That request outraged small producers who argued flocks that size wouldn't be economically viable.
There was also a large public outcry from customers worried their supply of free-range eggs would dry up.
The withdrawal of the request comes as welcome news to Fernwood farmer Ranald MacFarlane, who keeps a small flock of hens at his dairy and pork operation.
"If the small flock operators have discovered this niche market, well so be it," said MacFarlane.
"The system should not be so cumbersome that they cannot adjust to either go to free -range or encourage people that do."
Michael Cummisky, the manager of the Egg Producers of P.E.I., was unavailable for comment Thursday.
via cbc.ca
Yea! Here is a link to CBC's Interview with Ranald MacFarlane - very shrewd and realistic and fair man