David Breashears goes to the spot near Everest where Mallory took a picture of the main glacier - see what is there now!
I find the push back about global warming so weird - the evidence is before our eyes and in our lives. I don't think it matters much if we did this or not. What matters is what are we going to do to cope with the results?
What about food production? Power consumption? How we design buildings? Where we live?
These are practical issues that we can identify and adjust too - bit so long as we are caught in this "debate' we do nothing.
Again I blame how the media works - this stupid idea of "balance" give credence to many things that are just wrong. But the custom of journalism today is always to report the "other" side. The result? Polarization on nearly every complex issue that confronts us today.
What if we turned the clock back a bit. Was there a moral equivalency that should have been given to say Governor Wallace and those that fought against desegregation? How about Hitler?
Some things are true and some things are wrong. We tend to know the difference. Pretending otherwise gives credence to lies that can damage us.
The world is warming alarmingly so. The so called "other side" represents about 2% of science and those who choose to ignore their own eyes.
"Have you heard about the “growing number” of eminent scientists who reject the theory that man-made greenhouse gases are increasing the earth’s temperature? It’s one of those factoids that, for years, has been casually dropped into the opening paragraphs of conservative manifestos against climate-change treaties and legislation. A web site maintained by the office of a U.S. Senator has for years instructed us that a “growing number of scientists” are becoming climate-change “skeptics.” This year, the chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation gave a speech praising the “growing number of distinguished scientists [who are] challenging the conventional wisdom with alternative theories and peer reviewed research.” In this newspaper, a columnist recently described the “growing skepticism about the theory of man-made climate change.” Surely, the conventional wisdom is on the cusp of being overthrown entirely: Another colleague proclaimed that we are approaching “the church of global warming’s Galileo moment.”
Read more: http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2010/07/15/bad-science-global-warming-den...
This is what we are up against - this is what prevents us from acting in our best interests.