CPB President Pat Harrison will be in St. Louis on Oct. 12 as KETC/Channel 9 unveils its new brand identity as the Nine Network of Public Media, the station announced today (Oct. 5). It's part of the celebration for the opening of its new digital facility, the Nine Center for Public Engagement. There'll be six interactive demonstration stations in the new building:
nineVoices, a website where community members post videos with solutions to local problems;
Homeland, an immigration initiative;
nineAcademy, digital video storytelling; the
Public Insight Network, a site where participants serve as resources for pubmedia news gatherers; and interactive experiences with Nine on Twitter and Facebook. The staff of KETC's news partner St. Louis Beacon, located in the new center, will also be there to discuss their work as a nonprofit online publication (
Current, March 30, 2009).
What you call yourself drives what you do - what you do drives who you are.
KETC has left the bondage of broadcasting, been through the Red Sea, across the desert and is in sight of the Promised Land of a new model based on being a Network that serves the wider needs of its community.
It is very special and such a privilege for me to be part of this.
It was about 4 years that Jack Galmiche arrived at the station which was then in deep crisis. All this has happened since then.
What a journey this has been for all of them there and for me - imagine what it is like to work with an organization that wants to do what they have done.
A special thank you to Amy Shaw who is Aaron to Jack's Moses.
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