As a diabetic with heart disease CC has met the healthcare system head on.
His new book - The Innovators Prescription I think offers a perspective that could work.
Here are his 3 principles that make a lot of sense to me - especially #3 - medicine as we know it has little to offer chronic illness - this demands a change in how we live our lives and only groups can help us make this kind of change.
What do you think?
Here is a snip from a reviewer
"The proposed solution is to discard the current fee for healthcare service model, in which healthcare providers are systematically paid to treat illness without recompense for fostering welfare, and create a three-track system:
(1) Fee for service would continue to apply to diagnostic services, where - due to the nature of the patient's condition and the state of medical knowledge - there is a high need for intuitive investigation versus results-based treatment for conditions that are well understood. (The process described brings to mind episodes of House, a TV show in which a brilliant but irascible doctor challenges a team of colleagues to find the problem before the patient dies.)
(2) Fee for result would apply for treating conditions that are well understood and have a clearly defined solution -- colonoscopies, laser eye surgery, implantation of stents, etc.
(3) User networks for patients with chronic conditions/ unhealthy practices to learn how they can help themselves and be motivated to do so.