Concussed like Crosby or wounded in the head in Afghanistan?
One of the most important ways to recovery is to eat a lot of meat.
Coming down from the trees as a hominid 4 million years ago - how do you get the brain size you need to be human? Eat a lot of meat.
Conventional wisdom today about how to be healthy - don't eat a lot of meat. Confused?
Well here are the explanations for both the meat eating statements.
Fighting in Afghanistan has resulted in many serious head injuries. So has fighting in hockey. Recent studies have confirmed that the brain needs high energy quickly to heal. And only meat can provide this.
The importance of getting food to severely injured patients is already known but isn’t consistently applied: The extreme trauma drastically disrupts brain metabolism because cells can’t communicate properly. In that kind of hypermetabolic state, the brain needs energy quickly.
The study recommends that the speedy intake of energy and protein for traumatic brain injuries should be made common practice “immediately” – both right after an especially severe injury and for two weeks following. That means more than half a person’s total energy output, and at least a gram of protein per kilogram of body weight, starting within a day of the injury.
(To put that in perspective, it means a 70-kilogram person would need the protein equivalent of 25 bowls of cereal a day.)
“This intervention is critical,” the study notes, to lessen the severity of inflammation.
At the same time, the study analyzed findings that animal test subjects with traumatic brain injuries fared better when they had particular nutrients in their systems.
When I read this the other day I immediately recalled the link to how meat and also cooking had the same impact on the actual development of the human brain.
Link to the research here Link to the quote by Lierre Keith here
The Proof is in our teeth and our gut size.
As we began to shy away from eating primarily fruit, leaves and nuts and began eating meat, our brains grew. We developed the capacity to use tools, so our need for large, sharp teeth and big grinders waned. From left, a cast of teeth from a chimpanzee, Australopithecus afarensis and a modern human.
At the same time our gut shrank by 60%. A Chimp spends 6 hours a day chewing and digesting. We eat quickly leaving lots of time to invent new things and ways.
Homo Erectus is very different from our non meat eating predecessors. Taller, different head and jaws and smaller gut. He is almost us.
Meat and cooking were the breakthrough for us (More on Cooking later)
Only meat has this quality and concentration of protein. It is indeed "Brain Food".
Meat made us human. It is not some rare thing at the top of the food pyramid but it is the base of the pyramid.
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