I did not know until recently that a non stick frying pan might be a major risk factor for cancer.
I used to think that many things I used in the kitchen were safe. But evidence is emerging that they many may not be.
I dread to think that many cleaning chemicals are doing.
We cannot be adapted to many commonplace new chemicals.
In Thesis 38 Michael puts on the table the evolutionary risk of such novel chemical substances. Here is an over view.
I use a cast iron pan now - well seasoned it is non stick. I use glass measuring cups. We clean with ammonia. I am sure I have some bad things around but we are getting rid of them.
We have no non-stain carpets. I have no-non press clothes. Fire retardent baby things are surely not a good idea either.
Again you don't have to be a caveman to live closer to your design. You just have to become aware.