We all know that if we ate better and took more exercise, our health would improve. But we don't tend to act on this advice. Worse we get very attached to how we live and don't want to change any of that either. Worse how we see ourselves in the world keep us addicted to a life that is not good for us.
Changing our lives means we have to change the way we think and that is the hard thing to do. So here is a short series on the power of the mind and how to change it. For when we understand this, we can more easily take charge.
1. Introduction - We live in a culture - a set of established thoughts and habits that is not good for our health. We may not be able to change say our workplace, our boss or our economic status - but we can change how we think about these things - and that is where the change begins. Not OUT there but IN here
2. Our Social Status - The less power and control we have - the more stressed we become and this affects our health. But even in the worst conditions, such as in Auschwitz, it was possible to change how to think about our predicament. So while you cannot change where you are - you can change your reaction
3. How does this work? Here we look at how our thoughts actually wire our brain. If we continue to react in a set way - fear of dogs, heights, feeling of no worth, then our brain wires up to make this connection ever more powerful. Here we see the science behind this - Neuroplasticity - that is changing the mental health world. Where the work is to set up new reactions and so rewire to health.
4. This work involves us losing our old identity - we need a lot of help to do this - for in a way the old us has to die. This is why having a community of support is so important. We must be surrounded by love and support. Information, lectures etc don't work. This is how deep change happens.
5. What is the Design DNA of such support
6. Why is our current culture so toxic? The corporate world manipulates and in the end betrays what we all long for -Trust and Love
7 What can we see that epitomises the love and affirmation that we need to heal - Not the answer but the example of the love and non judgement that we all need to make a big change.