One of the wonderful aspects of "seeing" fractals is that when we train our eye to see them, we can see the deep order in all natural systems. I propose that human lives and human societies are just as much a system as any other for which we can now see a Fractal Order. If I am right, then we can make assumptions about our history and our future.
So in this post, let's look at how when we "see" the Fractal Shape, which has usually been obscured, we can understand and predict what seemed before to be unpredictable.
This is is a hurricane. On the ground it feels like a mess. It is a mess. It is completely unpredictable. If this is all you know about hurricanes, you just have to endure them. You will be surprised every time a hurricane appears. You won’t know what the eye is. You will not be able to predict the intensity. You will just be in the mess.
We live in very messy times. Nothing seems certain any more. We cannot predict anything. We cannot make sense of anything.
Does it not feel as if we too were all living in a hurricane?
But using a larger perspective like this, we can see that hurricanes have a distinct pattern that drive both a structure and a trajectory. We can know the conditions and forces that drive them. We can’t avoid them. But we can plan for them. We can make sense of them. We can adapt to them.
I think we can use the theory behind this to make more sense out of our time and even give us hope for the future.
How can this be so? The answer is in applying the principles of Chaos Theory to Human History. There will be a pattern of human history just as there is a pattern for Hurricanes. Just as there are patterns for all natural systems.
When we look into the night sky, we can see some shapes. But what we mainly see are billions of dots. But with the right perspective, such as a telescope, we can see that the universe is filled with a pattern that also drives structure and also trajectories.
This is the Milky Way - Our Home - Notice how the pattern of the galaxy is the same as the pattern of a hurricane!
No hurricane or galaxy is exactly the same. But all share the same architecture. All share common and math rooted rules about their dynamics. We now know where we live.
Inside one of these structures. Space is no longer an aimless void punctuated by dots. We know how galaxies come into being. We know their life cycle. We know how they move. Their movement tells us the age of the universe. We have seen galaxies that were born at the beginning of time. This knowledge tells us who we are at an elemental level.
This is the revelation of Chaos Theory.
With this new perspective, what seemed without form or order, such as coastlines, mountain ranges, weather and crop cycles, the rhythm of our hearts, birds flocking, forests could be seen anew. Using this new perspective, we can now understand them.
We can understand them because we now can see the deep fractal patterns that governed them.
This book is an exploration into what might be the Fractal Pattern that governs Human Society.
For it must have such a pattern. All natural systems have them. Might it look like this?