Many are excited by the news that Mcdonalds are redoing the Happy Meal. They are cutting the fries portion in half and adding Low fat Chocolate Milk instead of the Coke.
But they and most of the food health folks are missing the point - the point is that obesity is driven by the insulin pathway - how we react to sugars.
The villain is the BUN! and now they have replaced the Coke with a drink that has even more sugar/hfcs in it than a Coke.
Yes Low Fat Chocolate Milk fails on 3 counts. One it is cows milk - a no no and worse if in America becuase the poor cows are on growth hormone. Two low fat milk has more carbs per unit than high fat milk - fat is not the risk - sugar is. Third - chocolate milk is loaded with sweetener.
So the new Happy Meal is going to make your kids even fatter.