Here is Dick Fosbury winning the gold in 1968. His new method - the Fosbury Flop - was a transforming approach that allowed high jumpers to enter a new world of height. Every jumper uses it now.
You would have thought that all athletes and coaches in 1968 would have rushed to learn how to do this after his stunning victory. Actually not.
Four years later, in Munich, only 28 of the 40 competitors used Fosbury's technique. By 1980, thirteen of the sixteen Olympic finalists used it. Of the 36 Olympic medalists in the event from 1972 through 2000, 34 used "the Flop". Today it is the most popular high jumping technique in modern high jumping.
Why did it take so long for the Flop to be adopted?
The Power of the Legacy.
All the elite jumpers had trained their whole lives to use the straddle. Their bodies had been attuned to this and their bodies could not re-learn a radical new approach.
Even more challenging, all the elite coaches who had made their careers on teaching the straddle could not give up their legitimacy. After all, what did they know about the straddle - their reputation was invested in the old system.
So they attacked it - they used fear - "you will break your neck!" They used derision. They used their influence on the system.
This is where we are with "Paleo" and the new health revolution based on fitting our lives and diet to what we are evolved to do.
The new way of eating - fitting what we eat to our evolution works. Even they have to show that.
On the U.S. News and World Report rankings Paleo diet page, more than 3,000 people said the diet had worked for them, while 80 said it did not. Compare that to the No. 1-ranked diet, Weight Watchers, in which 1,883 people said the diet worked for them and nearly 800 people said it did not. (link)
But the experts rated Paleo the least effective of all diets! Why?
While Keith Ayoob, associate professor of pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, N.Y., said he has "no problem with people eating plenty of lean protein and fresh fruits and vegetables," he did have a problem with the lack of whole grains and low-fat dairy.
"I can't recommend a diet that advocates exclusion of whole foods groups, and foods like low-fat yogurt and milk and beans and whole grains," Ayoob said. "As for dairy, a lifetime of no dairy and you're really risking osteoporosis and low bone density. Paleo man didn't have to worry -- he'd be dead by age 40, but the rest of us would like to hang out for considerably longer and have strength while we do."
So here is the Bull:
- Calcium and bone density - so our ancestors had to milk what animal to get milk. A wild auroch? It is laughable that a so-called scientist could think that milk is our primary source of good bone health. The facts are that milk and wheat leach calcium. That bone density is also a matter of activity and load and our ancestors were very active. And that we get our calcium the same way the cows do - by eating green plants. As it is large parts of ther world such as South East Asia still never drink milk and are allergic to it.
- So our ancestors ate whole grains? That would have involved farming and a settled way of life - this just did not happen until recently. As migrants with no modern grains how would harvest them. How would you store them? Why would you even try? And when we did settle and farm, we lost a foot in mean height and started to get all the diseases of modern civilization. What about our teeth! Grains not only have high sugar levels but Lectins that inflame our gut, joints and other parts of our system. The science is in folks, grains carry a lot of health risks
- Oh and we ate beans too - All modern beans have been bred in the last 7,000 years. Before then most were poisonous. They still are if eaten raw and over time. For they too carry lectins and other chemicals that affect our system
- And the final canard - we were all dead by 40 - A complete falsification of how mortality works. Infant mortality was high and because babies had to be carried. In thus context, infanticide was common. But if you were then not bitten by a snake, killed in an accident, killed in war, had an infection, you would live well into your 80's AND be healthy and an active contributor until your death. This is what has been the case with all traditional people even in our own time. Traditional people age well and naturally at a level of fitness in their 40's
I am excited by these attacks - they mean that "They" know they are in trouble.
They have to do this and look ridiculous because they have made their reputation by telling you that fat makes you fat. That whole grains and dairy are central to a healthy diet. Many of them are paid by the people who make these food. You paid them to tell you how to eat better. They sold books, got reserach grants and chairs all based on the old ideas - that are wrong.
The history of science is full of these stories. The establishment held up germ theory for years because they held that infection was spread by smells - The Misama Theory - millions died as a result. In the pre anesthesia era, the best surgeons were the fastest. So they told the public that suffering pain was good for us. Look at Galileo - the Church only finally approved him in 1992!
Why do I feel good about this attack - Because of the sequence of how a new paradigm wins. For as Gandhi said:
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
We are in stage 2/3 - all in only 10 years.
The last laugh will be on them. They are the Spanish Inquisition
They have to fight but they will have to lose too.