Our Way of Life - Unsinkable - Huge - Safe - Invulnerable
We have struck the berg - we did this in 2008 - we hardly felt the blow. We were all partying so hard and inside. The ship was so massive - what could have gone wrong? There was a problem but the Titanic seemed ok and anyway she was unsinkable.
But Andrews and the Captain knew something that most of us did not.
The hole was long and exposed a number of bulkheads. It was inevitable that the Titanic would sink - it was all about the power of exponential damage. The ship would seem to be ok until nearly the end. Looking out into that cold night, all the risk would appear to be in leaving the ship.
Titanic struck at 23.40. The first boats were away by 0.45.
By 2am the boat deck was flooded - the ship was still even with only a shallow list forward - but inside the water was rushing in and now cascading over each bulkhead - the angle would now accelerate. It was all connected.
If you were still on board you were doomed.At 2.05 the propellers were exposed. At 2.18, the lights went out.
This is 2.20am. The ship plunges to the bottom. Titanic had been vertical and then the stern had broken off.
At 4.10 The Carpathia arrived and those in the boats were rescued.
Do I need to explain it all to you?
The world looks grim now - but the band still plays - the lights are still on. But underneath, the water is pouring in and the early bulkheads have all been breached. We cannot imagine that this could be the end.
But the damage is all connected and vast. Just as the water cascades over the bulkheads and thus breaches the next - when the flow starts in earnest, it will all happen fast.
The risk is that the states will cascade - the risk is that the Eurozone will cascade - the risk is that much of business will cascade - the risk is that the Middle East will cascade - for once the first few bulheads go - the rest cannot hold.
This is how a great Titanic system dies. This is how our way of life will die.
There is nothing that Captain Smith or the crew could do to stop the ship sinking. Nor could they get help any faster that it came.
We cannot rely on "THEM" to stop this or to help us. We have to look after ourselves and those that we love.
So will you be on deck or are you drinking in the bar or worse are you trapped in steerage? Will you put your loved ones in a boat when it looks safer on the Ship? Will you get into a boat? Will your boat make it to the water safely? Will the Carpathia come?
Let me translate - Are you on deck? How locked into the system are you? Do you depend on the system for nearly all parts of your life? If so - get as disengaged as you can.
Do you have a shot at a life boat? Do you inhabit a place that is quite resilient or very dependent on the system? If you don't - have a plan to find such a place.
Is there a chance of a larger rescue? Do you live in a region or nation has has enough of a civic tradition to work our a rescue?
You have no chance on your own.