My pal and fellow Queen Street Commons member - John Morris - was checking to see the best price he could get for heating oil. Working with Kenmac, and using his PEIInfo platform, he offered out a group deal. At least 70,000 litres have signed up so far. Details here.
At the Queen Street Commons we are also exploring a "Lending Library" for business. We have ourselves a digital projector. What might all our members have? What would it be like to get $10 a day for your projector or $5 a day for your flipcart? On the other hand what would it be like to get the use of these things for this kind of price?
Daycares often have Toy Libraries and have marts for buying and selling big items such as Strollers. Airbnb enables us to share where we live.
The principle is that until now, we all had to buy the big ticket items ourselves. Even Oil! Now we can group buy or rent. All win.
What do think would be the ideal conditions to do more of this?