A growing number of scientists, medical doctors and nutritionists have argued that a Stone Age lifestyle could benefit human health and even cure chronic diseases. Dr. Kim Mulvihill reports on how the diet helped her shed 30 pounds.
The CBS journalist is doing this story because she tried this and it works. "CBS 5 medical reporter Dr. Kim Mulvihill was so intrigued by the UCSF research that she became a guinea pig for the scientists.
She was told that she could not lose any weight and was given a Paleo plan to follow.
Within 10 days, her cholesterol dropped dramatically, as did her blood pressure. She then asked if she could lose weight, and modified the diet to eat less. Dr. Mulvihill then shed 30 pounds and two dress sizes. Her cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels all continued to plummet in a healthful way.Dr. Mulvihill said she never felt deprived and never felt healthier."
And this weekend CBC covered this on Sunday Morning and the Current on Monday
I think what is driving this is that IT WORKS! After 40 years of telling us to eat more grains and take more exercise, we have the epidemic. If people try this for a month, they feel results. If they do it for a year, they are transformed.
Me in 2009 and me this summer 2011. It took a year to lose 35 pounds by eating differently. My arthritis has gone. I am back to my wedding weight. I did spin for 2 months but mainly I have just been more active. I have a standing desk and I work outside a lot - the garden, wood stacking etc.
My dad died at 55. My mum has been an invalid since her mid 40's. I have a very poor ancestry and I was on my way to join them. But I decided that I did not want that as my future.
So what about you?