For some two million years of our evolution our brains became larger. John Hawks, anthropologist at the University of Wisconsin, says there has been a dramatic reversal. Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human male brain has decreased from 1,500 cubic centimeters to 1,350 cc, losing a chunk the size of a tennis ball.
This is major downsizing in an evolutionary eye blink. Hawks claims that If our brain keeps dwindling at that rate over the next 20,000 years, it will start to approach the size of that found in Homo erectus, a relative that lived half a million years ago and had a brain volume of only 1,100 cc. (Link to more)
So here it is. The brain is shrinking. We are going back.
What might have happened? I suspect two factors. After agriculture, most of us became domesticated. We literally became like sheep: animals who relied on our masters to shape our lives. We depend more and more on systems we don't control or understand to live. So we don't have to think. We stop being aware. We don't need as much brain. We were like wolves, then German Shepherds and now we are Pekineses.
Then - The embodiment of wild and wisdom - Now the embodiment of the opposite
Two utterly different representatives of leadership!
And secondly we eat a very poor diet. At the advent of agriculture we lost 6 inches of height from poor nutrition.
Since 1980, we now eat an industrial diet.
By 2050 nearly 100% of Americans will be obese. We eat an Idiocracy Diet now like this one.
It took a million years for us to lose our gut as a primate. The key to the new large brain was nutrition. When we learned how to use fire, we could eat more meat.
(The Gorilla is not fat - he has a huge gut to process all these veggies)
As we ate more nutritional dense food, our brain grew larger and our gut smaller. We became more smart and so better hunters and ate more meat and so on.
We don't gain more gut - we just get fat. This is what most people will look like soon.
Human Evolution is in reverse now. So what to do?
If you live like a sheep, you will become one. Become a "hunter gatherer" again. Work to control your own world and depend less and less on "THEM". Become "Wild" again. Largely support your self. Progressively disconnect from the system.
Easier to do, eat more brain food - dense nutrition - eat more meat. eat real food. Cut back on the grains. We are not chimps or Gorillas. We have been designed for millions of years to eat food that is dense with nutrition.
Eat Real Food - Live a Real Life.