This is the new food guide that will become policy for Schools. It is a well intentioned effort that is totally wrong and that violates all the new research on food and health. If we go ahead with this, we will set Health Back by a decade.
Core are grains - Breads pizza dough muffins - hello does anyone understand insulin? A donut which is banned is the same - what don't you understand about starch?
Low fat milk - the highest is sugar - canned milk which is ALL sugar - Insulin? Chocolate milk is allowed - do you know what is in it?
Tofu and Soy - possibly the worst food we can eat. Drives estrogen - do you know the difference between soy and fermented soy?
Peanut butter!!!! Peanuts are not nuts and are among the most inflammatory foods we can eat. Do you know that a peanut is not a nut but a legume?
POPCORN! Pure sugar - don't you know this
Juice - has as much sugar as pop and worse is 50% Fructose - why don't you know this?
Who is the policy person who advised this? None of it makes any sense.
Why when this has been the conventional wisdom for 30 years and has given us what we have now does anyone expect any result other than more illness?