My nephew Tristan is just back from a trip to Spain. It's worse there on the ground than we hear on the media. No one can see a way back to the old days. Here are some perspectives. As I read read Tristan's words, I wondered what was coming here. Is this stage part of our own future? What chance do our young have here at home?
"I spoke to one Spaniard on my flight, who in his late 20s, and who said that of the four men in his family, his father, himself and his two brothers, only he had a job. He added that his job was actually in London and that he worked as a waiter in a restaurant in London for 3 weeks per month and then came home for a few days. He said that in his small village of 1,500 people he would be exaggerating if he claimed that 100 people had a job. Of those that had a job, many would work for the police or the army and a large number would work for the government....."
"The question that people in Spain ask themselves is where will the new jobs come from? With jobs there is income, with income there are taxes, with taxes the government can provide services and pay off its interest payments and debt. With no jobs there is nothing."
I think that Spain and Greece are the harbingers what is to come. The final stage of the old economy shuts us all out of the game. I don't see either a reform or a way back.
But I do see an alternative. A much better life. A life we can all chose now. You Don't Need a Job is here on Amazon