HT Harold Jarche
The Big Lie is that ONLY industrial Ag can feed the world. This short video shows that this is a lie and that only a system made up of small holdings using natural principles has any chance.
(PS I have a bad secret to tell you. I was one of the first in Big Ag to use the term Feeding the World - Yes I was one of THEM - So I know what I am talking about)
Did you know that the last industrial revolution was begun with an Ag Revolution. (Here is a piece that I wrote that offers you more detail if you want) New farming techniques then, meant that land owners no longer needed a tied workforce of peasants. They threw them out. But not before they built a new transportation system that was then used to send goods and material all over the world. The Agricultural Revolution set up the Industrial Revolution.
History is repeating itself.
Today the Tech Revolution means that industry no longer needs that workforce any more. It too is creating the new web based infrastructure that will ironically support the new Industrial Revolution Where instead of huge concentrated hubs we have a system of many small nodes connected by a network as I describe in my book - You Don't Need a Job.
Time to go home and make a living growing food. We will only be able to feed ourselves if we do this. Time to take our power back.
Remember in 1900 80% of us in North America lived that way. In a time when there are no jobs and the jobs have no meaning - growing food is a great option.