Did you get your flu shot? Did your granny get one? Did you notice the big marketing campaign to get you to have one. Well it's all a load of crap.
These shots are a shot in the dark. The one that is sure about them is that they do not protect the elderly - ever.
They are of course a gold mine for Big Pharma.
You don't believe me - Here is the science
"Inconvenient facts about the flu:
There are over 200 viruses that cause influenza and influenza-like illness and can produce symptoms similar to the everyday flu. It is estimated that 80 percent of flu-like illness reported during the “flu season” is not caused by influenza. As well, influenza viruses constantly evolve and mutate and since it takes up to nine months to develop the right vaccine, by the time flu season arrives, the flu shot may or may not match strains circulating. Which is to say, fighting the flu is largely a hit-and-miss affair.
In an extensive interview with Dr. Tom Jefferson, the most authoritative world expert on respiratory infections and vaccines, who has spent more than 10 years examining the evidence provided by Roche Pharmaceuticals about its highly promoted Tamiflu vaccine. The manufactured claims about the Tamiflu vaccine led to massive global stockpiling.
Dr. Jefferson says, “I can only say that I have acted as an unpaid salesperson for Roche for the last ten years!”
That is because he and his colleagues at the independent Cochrane Collaboration proved that the published data about Tamiflu was biased and misleading because Roche released only partial data--refusing to provide the complete data.
As Mr. Cassels indicates, this example confirms that "much of the published research on all kinds of drugs and treatments found in peer-reviewed medical journals is incomplete. It only gives half the story." Dr. Jefferson has written that poor science, coupled with “media business, pharma business, pandemic business and unaccountable decision-making,” are making a mockery of global policies around the flu.
Dr. Jefferson and his colleagues found that most influenza studies are poorly designed and fail to prove the influenza vaccine is effective or safe for certain groups, such as the elderly and children under two. (In Canada, parents might be surprised to hear that Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends flu shots for kids six to 23 months old.)
He wants to make sure flu policies affecting millions of people are based on proper, undeniable proof. " Of the many health authorities around the world who support mass flu vaccine campaigns—those he irreverently refers to as “bioevangelists”—he claims the science shows they are mostly wrong: “There is no reliable evidence that inactivated influenza vaccines [the standard types of vaccines of today] affect either person-to-person spread of influenza or complications such as death or pneumonia…and [this] relates both to healthcare workers, community-dwellers and people in institutions.”
Public health officials--the US Centers for Disease Control in particular--demonstrate a disregard for science, and an acceptance of commercial propaganda as their guide for setting public health policy."
In my next book - You Don't Need Medicine - To Get Healthy - We will look at immunity and disease from a systems perspective. You may be surprised to know that most of the battle to defeat infectious disease has little to do with medicine and a lot to do with public health and our natural progress towards immunity.
I hope this will be ready just before or just after Christmas. Here is a draft of the introduction:
"This book will describe a revolution in the institution of medicine that will lead to a revolution in how people live.
The institution of medicine has had such revolutions before. It began with anesthesia. Until anesthesia, the key to getting paid as a surgeon was speed. Robert Liston could take your leg off in less than 2 minutes. Anesthesia took away surgeons’ elite status. With anesthesia, came the luxury of time. Anesthesia opened up the ability to do complicated and delicate work. Speed was no longer where the money would be. Elite surgeons, whose entire lives had been spent on learning how to be fast, pushed back. They claimed that the pain was a vital part of the healing process. It took Queen Victoria’s insistence that she use it when having a baby to defeat the old guard.
The greater revolution came with the issue of infection. Until the work of Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister in the late 19th century, the institution of medicine believed that disease and infection were carried by smells. This was the Miasma Theory. The institution of medicine got paid well even though they failed to keep people well. For everyone believed them to be right. So, even after the evidence of the role of bacteria piled up, the institution had to deny the new. They had to. For their power and reputation was all rooted in the Miasma Theory. Finally just too many people were dying to prevent the new germ theory from winning.
Today we stand again at such a defining moment. The elite of the current institution of medicine once again hold onto their power and their wealth as a result of a set of beliefs that we all accepted. This is the mechanistic view of the world where very ill has a unique cause and so there is a pill that can be sold to cure it. But with the advent of the epidemic of chronic illness, many now ask, “Why do we spend so much money on healthcare and see that more and more of us are getting ill?”
We are back at the same moment as the Miasma theory. People are starting to see the paradox. We spend more and more on healthcare for a system that is making no impact on the chronic illness epidemic that is overwhelming us. Something cannot be right.
This book is the story of our own revolution. It will be the story of the greatest revolution of all in human health.
Just as Pasteur and Lister found out the real causes of infection, so a large group of scientists have found out what are the roots of chronic illness. Just as Pasteur and Lister were reviled, so they are reviled today. Just as the public were told that these outsiders were wrong, so we are told by authority figures that this is wrong. Just as most people believed the establishment, so most of us believe them today.
But, a large minority now knows that the truth. The truth cannot be shut away for much longer.
Many now know and have the proof in our own lives that we can protect our health and even restore it, if we take action ourselves to eat properly, to have a real social life and to use our bodies as they should be. Even better, some of us now know that getting feeble as we age is not normal.
The new promise of the science of the new medicine, is that each of us can enjoy good health and a long and active life. If we obey the rules. The rules that are set not by a doctor, or an author of a fad book, but by nature.
Life will change more when most of us believe and act upon this than at any other time before the advent of agriculture.
This book will offer a glimpse of why this is, what this is and what can happen."