This is a Climax Forest. It supplies all that its members need from within.
As networks scale, they need less resources from outside the system. As they approach their ideal size, they need none. A big climax forest can go on for centuries with no new inputs and provides millions of members with all they need. Every part of the network cycles. Waste becomes food. Water gets held. Each species sets up a food chain for others.
A small business in a good network also moves into a sustainable world where all of what it needs - credit, customers, markets and support - exist. Eventually all that each member needs is found inside the system. This is true sustainability.
Our traditional organizations demand more and more resources from a finite source, our planet. More and more of us can see that there is a better way. And as the planet strikes back, we also can see how to organize to live with this too.
For true Networks can also cope with crisis. They are naturally resilient.
Networks create system redundancy and support that also enables a member to cope with crisis. We can see this when we look at the web itself. The web can cope with large disruptions because it will reroute itself. The human brain can cope with significant damage for it too will reroute itself. A large forest can have a big fire and regenerate itself. A mixed crop organic farmer working on a small scale has better resiliency and also has a relationship with their customers that can cut them slack too.
Comparatively, a machine organization will always apply the rules of efficiency to its processes and will break when faced with a crisis. Look at New York. A farmer with a mono crop will fail in a drought or a pest attack. If the food trucks that supply our supermarkets cannot get gas, we will starve in a month. If the power lines go down for a month in a big city, there will be chaos. Machine organizations are very brittle and vulnerable. The more they have been optimized for efficiency, the weaker they are and the more vulnerable we are.
Is it not clear to us that the real choice before us today is not being liberal or conservative. It is not being socialist or capitalist. It is adopting the network as the normal design or not.
Here is the link to my book on Amazon. It will give you more context on this great choice.