This meal plan will drive a large challenge to your insulin - which is what Type 2 Diabetes is - when your insulin has given up due to too much load.
By the end of this post you will see that this diet will make your diabetes worse. This raises important questions for me as to what is going on at the association.
Let's look at what this means.
Breakfast - The core of it is cereal and toast - all grains that have a very high "sugar" load. The result will be to challenge your insulin even more. An orange - high fructose load - more challenge and goes straight to the liver and is converted to fat. Low fat milk - the lower the fat the dairy, the higher the lactose load. Lactose is a sugar. Peanut butter - peanuts are the most allergenic of any food you can eat.
There is almost no protein or fat in this meal that means that you will be hungry an hour after you eat it.
Lunch - the core is bread. Again a huge load of sugar
The meat is low fat - it is not animal fat that is the problem it is vegetable fat.
So the recommendation to use margarine versus butter is the opposite of where science stands on fats now. Carrot sticks = high sugar - grapes high fructose.
Low fat yoghurt is low fat becuase they have replaced the fat with corn starch. Corn starch is a high sugar load food. Low fat dairy has a high lactose load too and drives a challenge to your insulin.
Such a meal will cause you to be hungry very soon after.
Dinner and snacks - all low fat = high sugar - crackers = sugar. Or fruit = high sugar. Potatoes have a high starch and so high sugar load
So here is my question. Explain to me and to others how a high sugar diet helps? Explain to me why you are not current with the research on metabolic syndrome? You say to avoid sugar - but this diet is mainly sugar - explain why you are confused?
It is my dear son James' birthday today. He is 33. I will be 63 next month. He has a young son, Hugo, who is 1+. Recently, we have been talking a lot about time. James no longer feels like a kid in any way. He can also see that I am not even middle aged but on the edge of being old.
We are thinking more about the long chain of all lives rather than just our own. When I buried my father, James who was the same age as Hugo is today, stood by my side with his little hand in mine. I knew at that poignant moment that one day in the future, one of us would bury the other. I can only hope that it is me in the grave and James and Hugo looking down at me.
Today, on his birthday, I think of my own father. I am now 8 years older than he was when he died. I am the same age as his father was when he died. I see the line of our people trailing back. Trailing back not just over the last 100 years but way back. Trailing back to our family coming to Canada in 1765. I wonder what were their hopes then?
I look back further. I look back to the times of the Covenanters in Scotland who upheld a new sense of God. I look back to my mother's family of Vikings who settled Orkney. What was life like for them? How could they have imagined us today?
My story and yours is a miracle isn't it? We are all descendants of a long line of people who successfully raised a child who then had a child. Think of the odds against us!
And the line goes back further - so much further. It goes back to before we were human. It goes back to when we were hominids; little mammals; bacteria and to when we were stardust.
All had to be aligned to bring each one of us to life. That is the miracle. Every element had to be right. The slightest deviance from the required norms, and we would not be here today.
This miracle, makes me wonder about how much we waste life too. Do we take this miracle for granted? With such a miracle behind us, do we live our lives accordingly?
It is a miracle that needs no proof either. The proof is me and you. I need no religion or faith to be grateful for my life.
Each of us, lowly or high, are the result of a miracle. We are stardust shaped as people.
And what of the future? James and Hugo and Hope and Alfie and Sophia are my hope of a human future. They have my own story locked in their genes. They have my humour and my hands. Their DNA has a biography of 4 billion years. And if they are the end of our family line. It is not the end.
For just as we all start with stardust and bacteria, we surely all end back there too.
There is always home ahead.
A friend offered these words from the Lord of the Rings at my father's memorial. They sum up everything for me:
Senator Duffy can get away with fidding his expenses - all $90,000 of them. HSBC can get away with money laundering on a vast scale. Monsanto can run the FDA. Apple, Facebook and Amazon can pay almost no taxes. Big Pharma can offer drugs that kill thousands. All vaccine makers have a blanket immunity from prosecution.
Here is the first part of a 3 part series on how a community in Alert Bay have taken charge of their health by giving up the modern diet and returned to their ancestral ways - a high fat and high protein diet. Weight has dropped and so has Type 2 Diabetes.
This weekend I saw a number of news items that caused me to think more about the role of the corporatization of health. It is clear to me that there is a a group of people who don't want us to be healthy and who are invested in our being ill. If I am right what can we do?
In this post I make a case for the problem and I offer up a way of dealing with it.
Breast Cancer and the BRCA1 Gene
First of all, if you wish to test for the Breast Cancer Gene that affects abiut 10% of women but also drives a very high chance of getting Breast Cancer, you will have to have at least $4,000. For this test and the gene are subject to copyright! Link Here
"Unlike routine tests for diabetes or high cholesterol, however, the BRCA gene evaluation — performed by only one company in the United States, Myriad Genetics — is phenomenally expensive, with a “list price” close to $4,000 when a related genomic-rearrangement test is included in the analysis, which oncologists typically recommend."
If you go to 23andme you can get a whole range of gene tests for $99! Testing for genes is no longer expensive. But if you have the copyright and you have a gene and a test that is rooted in a killer problem, then you can charge what you want. What a business!
C Difficile and Fecal Transplants
C Difficile is a major cause of death now. It is caused by a failure of our gut health. Poor diet and the use of antibiotics can kill off the good bacteria leaving us exposed to the bad. THE way of curing this is very simple and works in less than 2 days. It costs almost nothing. It is called a "Fecal Transplant". And yes it is just that. Good poo from a person with a healthy gut is given to the sick person via an enema. Think Blood Transfusion.
There is next to no risk. The patient is often at death's door and time is critical. But now the FDA want to regulate this. Not by setting a standard that any practitioner can get ready to apply but by demanding a lengthy application for a licence to experiment on a human. More at this link here at Wired.
This can be a death sentence if there is no time. I have to ask why? I can only think that the FDA are against treatments that cannot be monetized by their supporters.
The FDA is always quick to step in when there is a non corporate idea.
Alzheimers and Vitamin B
Alzheimers could become the most expensive disease out there as many boomers get it. Of course the real costs are social. Sufferers demand such a high level of care. Big Pharma have been trying for ages to find THE drug and have failed. We are starting to understand though that Alzheimers is a lifestyle disease. It is avoidable. The pathway is diet again.
High levels of Vitamin B preserve brain power and size. More at this link
"Older people’s brains shrink about 0.5 percent a year from the age of 60, and faster in people with vitamin B12 deficiency, mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease, Smith said. If that pace can be significantly slowed before full-blown Alzheimer’s develops, it may delay the disease’s progression so that older people can enjoy better lives until they die from another cause.
“If you delay the onset by five years, you can halve the number of people dying from it,” says Jess Smith, a research communications officer at the Alzheimer’s Society, a U.K. charity."
So here is the Big Pharma issue. More research has to be done. But in today's research climate, unless there is a blockbuster pill that can be copyrighted, there is no money. Research into real health does not get funded.
“We need bigger studies and more evidence that looks at what homocysteine is doing and what is actually going on in the brain.”
A. David Smith agrees. He plans a study of B vitamins in 1,200 people over 70 with MCI and elevated homocysteine. He needs 6 million pounds ($9.1 million) to pay for it. Miller plans another large study and wants to see if folic acid in flour in the U.S. leads to different results there. Meanwhile, the lack of blockbuster-drug potential presents funding hurdles.
“The pharmaceutical companies aren’t going to make any money on this and the supplement companies aren’t going to have enough money to do it,” Miller said. “This would have to be government-funded. I’m just not sure the climate is right for it now.”
The good news is that the American Gut Health project has shown us that we can crowd fund this kind of research. I have sent my poo in already! I also participate in the D Action Study to study the impact of Vitamin D. I am going to apply to test my genes at 23andme. I want to check out my ancestry which is a major factor in health risk.
I think that my health is up to me. I do my own research. I help others do theirs. I take action. We can all do this can't we?
Marie MacDonald died this weekend. I am now far away and live in Quebec, but I wanted to thank Marie for changing my life. It was Marie that took a chance on me and invited me to give a talk on PEI.
My phone rang at about 8am in May of 1995. A person that I did not know, said "Hello Rob, my name is Marie MacDonald. I am calling you from PEI. I have heard you talk but you don't know me. I wonder if you would be interested in giving your talk to the deputies on PEI?"
I knew at that moment that this was an opening of fate. Within a year I had moved to PEI. This was the most important change in my life since I got married.
She made sure that I got off to the best start possible.
Marie was like that. She was not your typical bureaucrat. She trusted her intuition. She was also a very generous woman who looked at how she could help a situation and a person. She ensured that I was made welcome in that difficult task of finding my way as a newcomer to PEI.
She knew also what was the right thing to do. She herself had entered the Public Service to be a "servant". She was very influenced in this approach by John Eldon Green. Her view all the time was that the Government was a "Public Service".
Thank you Marie. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for all that you did for the people of PEI.
Of course, many children know what the right thing is too and we can take our lead from them. Companies like McDonalds and Coke work hard to get into the schools. It is not just that they offer cash strapped schools a deal on dispensers but they sponsor a lot of activities.
The schools are very vulnerable to this pressure. But if the kids push back....
Here is the post from Dr Freedhoff's site about this today. Full quote:
"A little while back I received an email from a blog reading grandparent. He wanted to let me know about his 9 year old granddaughter's response to learning that her school dance was to be funded by Coca-Cola,
"Dear Dr Freedhoff, Thought you would like to know that my granddaughter Frances (9) has refused to participate in a Cola-Cola dance which her school has arranged as part of some sports sponsorship thing, this without any prompting from me. She must have been reading your blog. She wants to wear a t shirt with "water " written on it."
I reached out to him and asked if his granddaughter might want to write a short comment regarding her decision as well as send along a photo of her protest shirt.
She obliged!
"I did not want to be in the coca cola dance, because little children shouldn't be dancing in the favor of a soda company. Also my sports teacher shouldn't be encouraging small children to drink it. You need to stick to healthy foods like fruit,vegetables,meat,and occasionally oils and sweets. -Frances-"
And for those public health folks who think partnerships of their organizations with the food industry are a-ok now you know that even some 9 year old kids perceive them as problematic conflicts on interest.
Granddad - I imagine you're darn proud of your granddaughter. Good on her! "
This was a brutal piece of propaganda in WWI. It showed a father's children asking him the question that he had to give the right answer to.
So Mothers and Grannies and Dads of today. What will be your answer to your kids in 10 years time - When they know that you knew now about junk food but you said and did nothing?
Is it not a parent's job to protect?
I think that it is certain that in 10 years time, the link between chronic illness and the obesity and Type 2 Diabetes and junk food will be clear to all of us. There will be no debate anymore. It will be clear that this food is poison. It will be the same as the link between smoking and cancer. You would surely never advocate your kid smoking now would you? Would you go to the store and buy your kid cigarettes as a matter of course?
We all "Know" this now deep down. We know now that this kind of food is the worst thing we can give our kids.
It will be hard for our kids to forgive this if we just go along. "You pestered me into eating this." Everyone was doing it" "I was too tired to cook" "There was so much advertising, I fell for it" "The school said it was safe" "All your friends were eating it and I did not want you to be left out"
These excuses will be answered with "But, you knew Mummy!"
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