This is dynamite. Powerful stuff. But it is mechanical. It works by expanding. It uses mechanical force. To have a bigger bang, you need to compress it and add more. Bigger is better. The more compression, or control, the better.
Its energy is Newtonian. It is kinetic. It uses direct force. This is also how most human organizations work. When we say "Let's do something" we mean do something Kinetic. Our current organizations operate cause and effect levers. They make things or products in carefully engineered processes. They direct operations from the top. They even communicate and so market by using kinetic force. We are bombarded by messages. Above all they control.
This kinetic metaphor applies to each of us as individuals. We are all separate. Unhappy spouses blame the faults of their partners. "If only HE would change!" Sick people look to their doctor for help and refuse to think about their own part in health. Teachers talk at us and confine the curriculum. We measure kinetic outcomes.
To a limited degree this kinetic view works. It works for simple and complicated things. But it is not very effective when applied to complex or complicated issues. Such as people!
Also this Kinetic view of power means that most people have none. Bigger is better.
If we want real power for each of us as a person, we have to go beyond the kinetic.
This is an atomic explosion. It creates kinetic energy but is based on a very different context. The power comes from releasing the inherent energy contained inside an atom. It is really about tapping into the energy of the universe. This is the type of energy that will be used in the best design networks.
This is how I see the new power of people inside a network.
Here are some examples. Many of my regular readers know that in the last 4 years, I have transformed my own body and health. This process began at first by my meeting Euan Semple after an absence of a year or so when I was struck by how he had done the same. If Euan, who I liked and respected could do this, maybe I could? At the same time I met an old friend John Lahey who had done the same. Now I was being influenced by two people that I trusted. Then a third friend introduced me to Michael Rose, one of the world's leading evolutionary biologists. He showed me what I had to do and why.
None of this is kinetic. Without their supprt, I could not have tried this. I would not have taken in the new information without the trust. Without my wife Robin supporting me, I could not have done this. Without my own body giving me feedback, I could not have done this.
In turn, my actions to align my inner self to my evolutionary design has lead to me having an influence on others. I sell nothing. I wait. We talk. They act or they don't. It's all about trust and readiness. I do nothing kinetic. Those that are ready are attracted to my story.
I now see that I am also part of a network of other people who are making the same changes to themselves. This network is coming together. As we find others, our sense of trust and confidence grows. At some time, not far in the future, there will be a critical mass and then there will be "criticality". This powerful movement will attract enough other people into the network to challenge the system. They will challenge it not kinetically by trying to attack it or to change it, but will instead ignore it.
Instead they will help each other. Help each other change inside. Help each other find the new science. Help each other bring to life a new food system. Yes there is lots of kinetic work here, but the energy that drives all of this is social. It comes from releasing the power of the human spirit.
In finding our own power we attract others.
This social energy will change the world.