My niece Astrid has been doing some wonderful interviews and putting them up on a group in Facebook. Today she has posted her interview with Canada's finest journalist - Christie Blatchford - the night before Christie left for her 4th tour in Afghanistan.
Part 1 is here
Part 2 is here
Astrid has developed a wonderful manner with her interviewees - you will never see her language in a newspaper or on TV - the two woman bare all. There is an unusual toughness and also lovingness about their relationship and how they both are in life.
Astrid looks after Christie's main man Obie when she is away.
Here is the line up of other interviews -
Aug 9/07:Ibrahim Gowon (son of former president of nigeria) & Samantha Bramson (discusses her new life in australia)
Aug 16/07:Zoltan Szabo (international sommelier and leading wine pundit) & Robert Paterson (working, socializing in cyberspace today)
Aug 24/07:Christie Blatchford (one of canada's top print journalists)
Aug 30/07:Malcom Jolley (great foodie and force behind gremolata) & Peter Straker (a 33 year old uk doctor whose recent diagnosis of multiple sceloris just makes him even more determined)
Coming in September 2007:
Michael Bryant (attorney general)
Joe Mihevic (local counselor)
Randy Dalton (developer and in charge of the wychwood barns project)
Rene and Shirley (toronto lesbian couple who got married, had artificial insemination and now have a beautiful one year daughter)
Meredith Caplan (discusses politics and the thirty something generation)
Hope Paterson (from real food for real kids-discusses food and daycare)
Charlie Scott (talks about life and work as one of three partners who own the boutique travel company "truffle pigs")
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