First they ignore you - then they laugh at you - then they fight you - then you win.
Today I am going to explore how we are about to experience all of this as we see the power of the Corporate World - more powerful than the Empire in India - go down. We see it now in media but we will see the final battle in the arena of health and food.
It is going to be in this area where the public will awake and discover how they and their children have been betrayed. I will show you today how betrayal is the key flash point of revolution that spreads the meme beyond the initiating cadre to the mass.
All Imperialists from Rome to Britain and the Institutional/Corporate World have had the best of intentions. For after all Rome did actually do a lot good things. But the price of Empire is loss of freedom. And in the end this is what we all want. Espcially if Empire can no longer offer good roads, peace and justice etc.
The road to Freedom often starts with a funny man in a dhoti. How the Titans of the Empire laughed at Gandhi then.
This process of ignoring - laughing - fighting and losing is what happens to the establishment in any paradigm shift. Who in 1935 could imagine the British Empire leaving India?
Who can imagine the Corporate Titans of our own time losing control of us?
Today time speeds by - what took decades now takes years. The Mad idea of working with nature and using her models, is very new. Maybe only 20 years old. In terms of a coherent way of eating and its relation to food maybe a decade. Blogging about this began in 2005!
In less than 6 years, millions are involved. The time of "Ignoring" has past.
The old system's immune system has been alerted. And the laughing and the attacks have begun.
"Paleo" is being talked about by the mainstream media as a joke - the Caveman Diet. Just another fad. Ignoring the point that this is not a diet but part of a larger context of health - that of aligning how we live to our evolutionary past.
Expect more "Jokes".
The "Attack" is all about Food Safety.
We are seeing concerted attacks on people who raise animals in a truly safe way - small egg flocks - people growing veggies in their front yard. They tell the mainstream that this food is not safe. Ignoring that the factory systems food is at the centre of our long term chronic health crisis.
Expect more attacks designed to raise the fear of the public and fear among the pioneers.
They will "burn" them as heretics. In modern terms they will humiliate us and take away our livliehood. And do it all in the context of keeping the rest of us safe from heresy.
The establishment are powerful not just because they have a few Titans at the top but because there are so many functionaries below them. People who make their living and have their power as a result of being in the system.
But the smart revolutionary does not attack this group. They depend utterly on the Titan. When he goes they go too. The News of the World staff get fired and cannot be rehired. The Mubarak inner circle and support melt away when their man falls.
But they cannot be ignored - they will be the ones who attack the new. Not the Titan himself.
You cannot win by attacking this system directly. They will crush you.
You win by allowing them to commit an outrage on you! It's very Zen!
The Titans destroy themselves by going too far in their attacks. At some point they outrage the sleeping people.
In India, the innocents were killed at Armritsar.
Look at what is going on in England now. The entire political class in the UK now has to step back from Murdoch. His henchmen/women have gone too far.
The people did not mind the Hugh Grants of the world or the Royals being hacked. But they cannot tolerate the families of war dead, of murdered children being the targets. And now that Gordon Brown has been seen as being defiled by the Titan, all can see that the only way ahead now to to sweep Murdoch away.
The people move when THEY feel the injustice and the betrayal.
So now to us. What will be the moment?
I see two tracks tnat interact. The power of social media and the increase in awareness that we are all being betrayed by the system.
The power of social media means that the secrets of the Titans can no longer be hidden. The big betrayals are amplified by social media. The power of social media means that dictators can no longer oppress their people without the world looking on. The more they assault their own people - such as in Libya and Syria - the more inevitable it is that they lose.
So what about us in the west. The scale of the deception and so betrayal builds every day.
- The War in Iraq was based on a lie
- We have also lost in Afghanistan trying to support the unsupportable
- The press is being shown to be mainly in the pockets of its owners - it has done its best to hide the truth
- Wall Street owns the recovery and the people are bereft - there is no growth in employment
- The young in Europe and the old are shut out
- The Euro zone and America's credit are on the knife edge but we were told that we have to pay back the bankers
Meanwhile the old contract is being destroyed
- The pensions that boughtv our obediance when we worked for them are going
- The schools and roads that we paid for are in ruins
- The justice system is being gamed
- Even our water system is for sale
- We don't own our homes annymore
- Our children did all we asked and there are no jobs
- We are told that we are not safe and our liberties are removed
You can add to this list - the reasons for consent are melting.
All of this is coming out of the New Media and the stories get bigger and get more traction every day - the Titans are shown not to care about us. They are shown to be cynical manipluators.
And now we come to the big lie - that our health and old age will be looked after by a Ponzi scheme of the transfer payments.
This demographic and fiscal crisis will be the battle ground where the revolt will take place.
Rising oil and food prices and the debt crisis will all come together and the people will have nothing to lose by taking the risk of leaving the system.
The entire basis of the western deal with its people will unravel and the people will be betrayed just when they are the most vulnerable.
So what to do? What do you and I do? Not easy question to answer but just as there are patterns of history that show us how true paradigm revolts take place, there are patterns that can help us see our best choices and what will happen in a pattern sense as the revolt gets under way.
Check back in a couple of days.
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