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August 21, 2005



I parked my 1/4T truck in September, 2003 - during the election as it happens. I couldn't afford the $35 monthly insurance payment. It is still parked.
I rode my bike until December. I hitch-hiked any distance travel I had to do, including doctor's appointments in Charlottetown when I was getting chemo treatments, or had to go to distant locations for reporting assignments. I rode my bike locally (25km either direction)most of 2004, and even into January and February of 2005 - not as bad as it seems. I hitched daily to work in the winter and have ridden the bike through most of 2005.
For the past four winters I have heated my house with a 1500w 6"x6"x6" ceramic heater (running 24/7)at a cost of about $110/month. It is not a great way to live but it is possible; I heat the basement to keep the pipes from freezing (98% of the time). Relaxing isn't grand, keeping the fridge running is a challenge, and fogging the bathroom from a shower makes shaving a risk, but sleeping is great...other than getting out of bed in the A.M. that is.
I have saved enough money from my poverty-wage job to buy some radiators for future heating install, purchase some large windows that will eventually help me passively solar heat, pay down my VISA and pay off my property tax.
A single person, I only put my carts out about every third cycle (other than summer yard wastes), I seldom have more than 2 bags per recycle-day, and I help keep our province clean by picking up the regular distribution of pop and beer bottles as I cycle our friendly highways and byways - giving up 20cents...I'll take it!
Some will say I am using the costs of others when I hitch-hike, but I look at it as giving them a chance to do a good deed, improve the efficiency of thier driving dollar, offering conversation in compensation for thier kindness and - always - spreading the word of the practicality of alternate living choices.
By the way, you might want to check out Ranald MacFarlane at Red Pine Farm for some pleasant pork: orchard-raised, locally dressed in 50lb. assortments for ~$125+/-.
"Living Large on a Little Farm" in Fernwood: 887-2917.

Robert Paterson

The good thing about the Natural Step is that it is all about taking small steps at first. I was the ultimate "bad boy" - I am only a bit better now.

The good news for you is that you can think of a few small steps and start there. It is like putting on weight. For 20 yars i put on say about 2 pounds a year. Now I quite fat and nee dto lose 30. Better I lose say 5 poinds a year than try for the whole 30. Then I will keep it off. Same with this start by doing a few small things and see how they add up


I'm not gonna lie to you Mr.Paterson, reading your posting has made me feel awful. When looking at my levels of consumption compared to yours, I have realized that you are ahead of the curve. The economy is changing and I think that conservation is going to play a much larger role in our society. There simply isn't enough resources to comforably sustain our current levels of consumtion. This peek into your lifestyle has really opened my eyes. Good on ya!

- Nick

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