Welcome to Trusted Space for Energy.
Our current relationship with Energy is that we believe that it is best and normal that it is best extracted from the sun's capital that is located in carbon processed over millenia and buried in the crust of the earth. In the west, we have done well until recently by feeling that this is the right and only way to be connected to energy. But there has been a social and an environmental price and the price is now too high.
This process is so expensive and so global that only a few giant corporations can do the work of extraction, processing, transportation and distribution. The viable reserves of oil and coal are located in just a few places so its wealth is narrowly held by the few governments that "Own" the resource. The producers and the "owners" do with the rest of us what they want. We are in effect the slaves to big oil and to big coal.
The days of cheap and apparently boundless amounts of carbon base energy are in sight.
Our heroes will show us that the Sun's income, if captured cleverly, has infinitely more total energy available than our capital reserves. The Sun's income has almost none of the the pollution problems attached to using its buried capital. Whether it be wind, sun, biomass, hydro, or thermal, the Sun's income is widely dispersed all over the planet and need no longer be captured by the few. Locally owned and locally distributed systems need not be expensive.
We can have a relationship with energy that is local and where we are free from a dependency on others who do not care about us.
So what is at stake is whether the heroes in energy can create the community and the following that will enable us all to participate broadly in the gift of life that the sun offers us all every day.
I am encouraged that they can and that they will. Let's see what they are doing